Stacy George Marks Good Friday with Cross Walk at Big Spring Park

Easter cross sunset silhouette.

Stacy George Marks Good Friday with Cross Walk at Big Spring Park

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – An Inspiring Gesture

Stacy George, candidate for Alabama House District 27, marked Good Friday in a meaningful way. Commemorating Christ’s crucifixion, he carried a 13-foot wooden cross through Big Spring Park. The crosswalk served as an emblem of faith, a nod to Jesus’s path to Golgotha.

Clothed in sackcloth, a symbol of repentance and humility, George walked across the park, his symbolic journey witnessed by many. Adding to the occasion was his wife, Karen George, who joined him in this act of Christian devotion.

Advocating the Gospel in a Unique Way

Stacy George’s choice of marking Good Friday was backed by the aim of sharing the gospel in a unique manner. Fellow believer and evangelist, Bo Shedd, backed George’s move fully, praising it for its expressive demonstration of faith. Shedd, who has spread the gospel to 34-40 countries, further assisted in organizing this cross carry demonstration, marking his fourth consecutive year of involvement.

We believe this is the best demonstration of the gospel on Good Friday that we can present“, said Shedd. He also enlightened his personal relationship with Jesus Christ, emphasizing the role of sacrifice in gaining value. “If I go to a gas station and I gotta get gas and two Mountain Dews, I have to purchase that before I can get the product. Well, we were purchased by Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross through his shed blood”.

Community’s Reception

The visual demonstration drew attention from locals, momentarily transforming the park into a contemplative space. This enactment of faith did not only target Christian believers but all those who hold the value of sacrifice, repentance, and redemption closer to their hearts.

About Stacy George

Stacy George is a candidate running for office in Alabama’s House District 27. Known for his dedication towards community & outreach, he leveraged this religious occasion to share a message of unity, redemption, and love.

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HERE Huntsville
Author: HERE Huntsville

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