Legacy Elementary School Makes Impressive Donation
MADISON COUNTY, Ala. – In the spirit of community service and reaching out to those in need, Legacy Elementary School leaders donated to a local non-profit. The beneficiary of this act of philanthropy was none other than the Rose of Sharon Soup Kitchen.
Legacy Elementary’s Student Government Association Steps Up
The school’s Student Government Association (SGA) played a significant role in this event. They managed to raise over $600 through various fundraising activities, showing a high level of commitment to lending a helping hand to the community.
Teacher Trinity Allen, the sponsor of the group, expressed her feelings regarding the contributions.
“It feels great to be part of this initiative. We believe that by organizing these events we are not only helping the community but also imparting important life values to our students.” Allen shared. “Through this, we want the children to learn that serving others is something that should be internally motivated, not something that’s done just to receive a prize or accolade.”
Field Trip Promotes Hands-On Experience
The donation followed a field trip that had been previously organized by the school to the Rose of Sharon. The trip aimed at allowing students to witness firsthand the operations of the non-profit, a tour that was not only educative but also inspiring to the students.
Promoting Acts Of Kindness
This event comes as a timely reminder of the importance of acts of service within the community. It underscores the essential role that institutions such as legacy Elementary and organizations like the Rose of Sharon play in society. By reaching out to those in need, they help alleviate some of society’s most pressing challenges.
For Legacy Elementary, the event goes beyond just making a donation. It’s about nurturing a culture of giving among the students. As the students engage in fundraising events and visits to organizations like the Rose of Sharon Soup Kitchen, they gain valuable life skills and learn about the importance of community service.
More Than Just A Soup Kitchen
Rose of Sharon is more than just a soup kitchen. It is a beacon of hope for the less fortunate within the community. They provide meals to the needy, with an aim to reduce hunger within the local community. The donation from Legacy Elementary will undoubtedly play a significant role in supporting the soup kitchen’s mission.
Through these acts of giving, Legacy Elementary is not just making a donation – they’re investing in their community and instilling these essential values to their students.